
Bamboo Toothpaste Spatula

  • This eco-friendly, sustainable, reusable spatula from Georganics is made from bamboo and is designed for applying toothpaste to your toothbrush. The spatula is compostable when it's time to replace it.

    Use the Georganics bamboo spatula to scoop a small, pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush.

    You can use the spatulas for the natural toothpastes by Georganics and Ben & Anna. The Georganics toothpastes are delivered without a spatula and the Ben & Anna toothpastes with spatula. With an extra spatula, everyone can have their own if you want to share the toothpaste with your family or your partner.

Over het merk


Georganics was born as a result of Alex trying many high fluoride products in a bid to rid his unexplainable cavities, only to find they didn’t work. A change to his diet was the next option. A couple of months in, Alex decided it wasn’t just his diet he needed to change, but also the products he was using; soaps, creams, deodorants... everything. He found natural alternatives for most things but struggled to find a good natural toothpaste. Not one to give up, Alex made his own, left his job in the city and launched Georganics.

Georganics only uses pure, natural and organic ingredients for all of their products. The ingredients are sourced as locally as possible. The packaging is specifically designed to produce no waste to avoid clogging up landfill sites. This way, you can take care of your oral hygiene safe and do well by the planet.

Click here for all products by Georganics.