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Duurzaam, herbruikbaar &veilig

Plasticvrij genieten voor onderweg

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Blog posts

Duurzaam zomerpakket kopen of cadeau geven - Onze insider tips om je hierbij te helpen

Buy a sustainable summer package or give it as a gift - Our insider tips to help you with this

Read the blog that Ien van Beterschap wrote as a gift for our website.

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Natuurlijke Smeerbare Deodorant in Kartonnen Doosje Lifestyle Foto

Natural Deodorant that really works!

Are you looking for a natural deodorant that really works? In this blog we explain what is so bad about 'normal' deodorant and what the best alternative is.

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Plastic Free July - Ga jij de uitdaging aan?

Plastic Free July - Will you take up the challenge?

Plastic Free July is a global movement that empowers people to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. A great opportunity to challenge yourself, together with a lot of others, to stop using ...

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Onze leveranciers

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plasticvrije bezorging

Wij maken zoveel mogelijk gebruik van hergebruikte doosjes en papieren tape bedrukt met inkt op waterbasis.
Ook ons opvulmateriaal is hergebruikt of volledig recyclebaar.