Want to try reusable menstrual products but not sure which product or size to choose? The ImseVimse starter pack helps you find the right size and menstrual protection!
With washable panty liners, sanitary towels and tampons, made of organic cotton flannel, you ensure a lot less waste! They offer soft and natural menstrual protection that is good for the skin and free of chemicals. The sanitary towels and panty liners from ImseVimse have two press studs so that they can easily be attached to your panties.
The sanitary towels and panty liners from Imse Vimse contain a layer of certified PUL (polyurethane laminate polyester) which makes them leak-proof. Now you are probably thinking: polyester, isn't that plastic? That's right, but the amount of plastic used is so small compared to original sanitary towels and is also reused. PUL ensures that the sanitary towels are leak-proof. We have not yet found a suitable alternative. Have you? Let us know!
Reusable tampons work just like disposable tampons. They are chemical-free, absorbent and comfortable to use.
Read in our blog Go with the flow: sustainable menstruation tips about which menstrual products you can use when you switch to a more sustainable lifestyle!
Tampon instructions for use
Roll up the tampon, choose how tight or loose you want to do that. Finish by securing the string around the tampon. Insert the tampon the same way you would a normal tampon. Change your tampon every 4-5 hours or when the tampon becomes full and needs to be changed.
Rinse the tampon with cold water after use and store it in a wet bag. Then wash them in a laundry bag with the rest of your laundry. Boil the tampons before first use and after washing to remove any washing powder residue. Do not use bleach or fabric softener.
Cotton, washable, reusable tampons can still cause TSS (toxic shock syndrome) just like store-bought disposable tampons. Just remember to change them often enough!
Fun Fact
From a calculation of Environment Central it turns out that people throw away about 10,000 tampons or sanitary towels in their lifetime. That is 90 kilos of sanitary towels and 60 kilos of tampons in residual waste. Of course you will have to wash reusable sanitary towels, which is also harmful to the environment. There has not been enough research to conclude whether disposable or reusable menstrual products are better for the environment, but Milieu Centraal has compared this to washable diapers. This has shown that washable diapers are better for the environment, even if you include washing and production.
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Over Het Merk
The story of ImseVimse began 30 years ago when founder Marie Walleberg, desperate for a cure for her daughter's diaper rash, discovered the soothing magic of the cloth diaper. Just like that, her daughter’s painful rash disappeared. When Marie realized that organic cotton cloth diapers were the solution to her child’s diaper rash, she decided to help more people benefit from this insight.
Imse believes that many people choose disposable menstrual protection without considering that there are alternatives. Or that those alternatives have economic, health and environmental benefits. Imse wants to change that. That is why Imse develops products that are practical and reusable. hygiene products and at the same time wants to contribute to more transparency and knowledge about menstruation. The goal of ImseVimse is that sustainable consumption becomes the norm, not the exception.
ImseVimse produces, among other things, washable panty liners, washable sanitary towels, tampons, menstrual underwear, cleaning wipes, cotton pads and nursing pads. ImseVimse products are gentle on the skin and the environment, and because they are washable they can be used many times. ImseVimse products are not packaged in plastic, but in FSC-certified cardboard.
ImseVimse understands that the longer a product can be used, the less raw materials we need to extract from the earth to make new ones. All cotton products from ImseVimse contain 100% organic cotton. With respect for the workers in the cotton fields, but also for the wild animals and nature, ImseVimse chooses certified organic cotton. ImseVimse offers non-toxic products – which can be worn safely against the skin.
ImseVimse takes into account the distance between its central warehouse and the production location. ImseVimse products are mainly produced in Latvia and Turkey. Turkey, because that is where organic cotton grows. Organic cotton cannot be grown in Sweden, which unfortunately makes local production impossible.
In 2022, the ImseVimse brand was split into the Imse brand for washable hygiene products and the Vimse brand for sustainable children's products.
Click here for all ImseVimse products.