Zo Zero's Choice

Safety Razor Classic Razor (Closed Comb)

Colour: Black
Rose Gold

Limited stock - only 4 items left

  • This classic safety razor is a great alternative to disposable plastic razors that need to be replaced regularly and contribute to the plastic soup in the ocean. Make the switch to plastic-free razors now!

    The safety razor is made of metal with high quality chrome-plating, which is corrosion resistant. This means you do not have to worry about rust.

    The safety razor has been around for generations and produces a very close shave. It also has a stylish vintage look!

    We recommend the rust-proof Bambaw blades which are a perfect match for this safety razor.

    How does a Safety Razor work?
    If you would like to learn more about how a safety razor works, read the blog (in Dutch) 'Nooit meer scheren met plastic wegwerpmesjes' by Columns by Kari. She started using the safety razor and shares all of her tips and tricks in this article.